It all started when Raquel, from Gran Canary, moved to Asturias (north of Spain) to join David’s band (Xemá). Both of them worked at the same time as music teachers in a school in order to earn a living and launch their first album, which wasn´t successful due to little promotion.
In 2003 David and Raquel met Juan Luis and formed a new band, El Sueño de Morfeo. The name of the act was Raquel´s idea. She was impressed by the character of Morpheus, the Greek god responsible for shaping dreams. Raquel felt it was unfair that this god had to create dreams for others when he couldn’t sleep. They thought the name would be appealing, and it was indeed.
Things are going very well for the celtic act. They have released two albums and colaborated with many great artists. Currently they’re about “to conquer” the Italian music world thanks to the help of Neck, a well-known Italian singer.
The song I want to show you is called “Esta soy yo” and is one of my favourite songs. You will notice Raquel´s pronunciation. Since she is from Gran Canary, she pronounces letters “ce” and “ci” as /se/ and /si/ (i.e. the word Cenicienta= Cinderella is pronounced /senisienta/ ). This is typical of the islands and the south of Spain. However, in the rest of the country those letters are pronounced as /θe/ /θi/ (like “thin”).
I hope you enjoy the song.
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