martes, 27 de mayo de 2008



¿Nunca os habéis preguntado por qué a los españoles en general se les dan mal los idiomas? Cualquier persona que haya viajado algo o se haya movido por ambientes internacionales sabe que los nórdicos hablan inglés muy bien y que en casi todos los países es normal aprender al menos un par de idiomas. Todos hemos oído hablar del alemán que vino a España hace seis meses sin saber nada y ahora domina el español casi a la perfección …Bueno, pues la culpa de la poca facilidad que tienen los españoles para aprender y hacerse entender en otros idiomas la tiene el doblaje de películas.

Mientras que los niños nórdicos se acostumbran a ver sus series preferidas en versión original con subtítulos y se empapan de la lengua anglosajona, los españoles se acomodan ante las perfectas interpretaciones de los dobladores. Porque eso sí es cierto, España encabeza los mejores puestos en lo que a calidad de doblaje se refiere.

Está más que demostrado que el escuchar películas y series en versión original desde una edad temprana es beneficioso para la adquisición de nuevas lenguas. Cuanto más joven se es, más fácil le es al cerebro recopilar información, y es que de pequeños somos como esponjas. Con esta práctica no sólo se mejora la comprensión auditiva, sino que la pronunciación se asemeja a la de un nativo de forma espectacular, y además de forma inconsciente y sin que nos cueste tanto esfuerzo.

A pesar de los inconvenientes que representa el no disfrutar de películas en versión original, desde un punto de vista del aprendizaje de segundas lenguas puede ser interesante. Y es que si a uno le gusta mucho el cine americano pero quiere mejorar su español puede ver las películas dobladas, realizando así un buen ejercicio de audición. Aunque parezca más difícil porque los movimientos de los labios no van a la par que los sonidos, el oído se esfuerza, y se equipararía a escuchar la radio en otro idioma. Y es que no hay mal que por bien no venga…


Have you ever wondered why Spaniards are not good at languages? Anyone who has ever been abroad or frequented international environments has surely noticed that Scandinavian people speak perfect English and also that in most countries pupils learn two languages at school. Everybody has somehow heard of some German guy who arrived in Spain just six months ago and now is fluent in Spanish...Well, dubbing is to blame for the poor facility for learning languages among Spaniards.

While Scandinavian children get used to watching their favourite tv series and films in the original language with subtitles and soak up the Anglo-Saxon language, Spaniards get used to not making any effort and enjoy the perfect performance of voice dubbers. And that is indeed true, because Spain is placed among the leading positions regarding quality dubbing.

It is more than proven that watching movies in the original version since an early age is good for language acquisition. The younger you are, the easier is is for your brain to compile information; when we are little we are like sponges. Doing this not only do we improve our listening skills, but also our pronunciation gets better, unconsciouslessly and without making any efforts.

Despite all the disadvantages we get from not having films in the original version, from a second language learning point of view it can be very interesting. If you really enjoy Northamerican movies but you want to improve your Spanish you can always watch dubbed films, and in doing so you would be improving your listening skills. Although it can seem a difficult task because the lip movement does not go along with sounds, the ear makes an effort and it would be similar to listening to the radio in another language...In the end it is true that every cloud has a silver lining...

Aquí tenéis un link a un fragmanto de "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" doblada al español:

viernes, 23 de mayo de 2008

miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2008



Javier Bardem nació en 1969 en una familia de actores que llevan haciendo películas desde los comienzos del cine español. Su primera aparición en la gran pantalla fue a los 6 años en la película "El Pícaro". Durante su adolescencia jugó al rugby en el equipo nacional español y actuó en varias series de televisión , pero su mayor pasión era la pintura. Tras darse cuenta de que nunca sería un gran pintor, dejó la pintura y tuvo varios trabajos temporales. Trabajó de portero de discoteca, obrero e incluso stripper antes de retomar su carrea como artista más seriamente.

Entre los papeles que Bardem ha interpretado, quizás el más destacado es el de Ramón Sampedro en "Mar Adentro", un tetrapléjico de 55 años que tuvo quqe luchar para poner fin a su vida a través de la eutanasia. Bardem, que estaba en su treintena cuando rodó la película, necesitó una sesión de maquillaje de cinco horas para parecer más mayor. Desde un punto de vista lingüístico es interesante destacar que Bardem tuvo que aprender gallego, un idioma muy parecido al portugués.

Su último logro ha sido ganar el Oscar al mejor actor secundario gracias a interpretar a un sociópata asesino; convirtiéndose en el primer español en ganar un premio de la academia. Cuando los directores de la película (Los hermanos Coen) se pusieron en contacto con Bardem para ver si estaba interesado en el papel respondió, "Mira, soy el actor equivocado. No sé conducir, hablo mal en inglés y odio la violencia". Ellos se rieron y dijeron "Quizá por eso te llamamos".

Aparte de "Mar Adentro", una de mis películas favoritas es "Los Lunes al Sol", donde Bardem interpreta a Santa, un desilusionado trabajador de astillero que tiene que enfrentarse al desempleo en pueblo pequeño de España. Dirigido por Fernando León de Aranoa, esta película ganó cinco Goyas.


Bardem was born in 1969 within a family of actors that have been making films since the early days of Spanish cinema. His first appearance on the big screen was at the age of 6 in the film “El pícaro” ("The Scoundrel"). During his teenage years he played rugby on the Spanish National Team and acted in different tv series, but his true passion was painting. After realizing he would never become a talented painter, he gave up painting and drifted into several odd jobs. He worked as a bouncer, a constructor worker and even as a stripper before retaking the acting carrier more seriously.

Among the many roles Bardem has played, perhaps the most outstanding one is that of Ramón Sampedro in “Mar Adentro” ("The Sea Inside"), a tetraplegic 55 year old Spanish man who had to struggle to put an end to his life through euthanasia. Bardem, who was in his thirties at the time of shooting the movie, needed a five-hour make up session in order to become older. From a language point of view, it is interesting to notice that for “Mar Adentro” Bardem had to learn to speak Gallego, a language very similar to Portuguese.

His last achievement has been winning the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor thanks to playing a sothiopath killer; becoming the first Spaniard to win an Academy Award. When the directors of the film (The Coens) contacted Bardem to see if he was interested in the film he said, “Listen, I'm the wrong actor. I don't drive, I speak bad English, and I hate violence”. They laughed and said, “Maybe that's why we called you”.

Besides “Mar Adrento”, one of my favourite movies is “Los lunes al Sol” (“Mondays in the Sun”), where Bardem plays Santa, a disillusioned ex-boatyard worker who copes with unemployment in a small town of northen Spain. Directed by Fernando León de Aranoa, this film won five Goya Awards, Spanish equivalent to the Oscars.

Link to an extract of the film "Los Lunes al Sol":

lunes, 12 de mayo de 2008


Juan Antonio Cebrián was a Spanish journalist, novelist and radio show host who left a mark on many people's lives , including mine. Unfortunately, he passed away seven months ago, but he left behind a great number of masterpieces. He devoted himself, body and mind, to his passion in life: history and culture in general, resulting in his fourteen books and three radio programs. Although I was not lucky enough to follow Juan Antonio Cebrián throughout his whole career, I am thankful for having found La Rosa de Los Vientos, a radio program directed by him, and where current affairs and mystery are discussed without censorship.

Cebrián was definitely a role model. Despite being blind, he never stopped enjoying life and learning about it. His passion and curiosity were such that listening to him on the radio in the middle of the night made you want to get up and start reading books. He was a culture vulture and his enthusiasm was contagious! He was a twenty-first century knight who defended the environment and talked about real heroes. In one of the sections of his program, Pasajes de la Historia, he narrated the lives of famous people, and he did it without reading any papers. He had everything in his mind. I recall the first time I listened to him on the radio; he was narrating Alejandro Magno's life, one of my favourite historical characters. Cebrián's voice took people to the past without any effort, making history much more interesting than when studied at school. He proved that the toughest theme can be interesting and fun, it only depends on how you deal with it.

La Rosa de los Vientos is still influencing many people due to the great work carried out by Cebrián 's co-workers: Jesús Callejo, Carlos Canales and Bruno Cardeñosa. Together they formed “the 4 Cs” team (because their surnames start with C). Every single one is unique, and when they join together they form a veritable fountain of wisdom: books, the Ancient Egypt, astronomy...there is nothing out of their reach.

Podéis disfrutar de este maravilloso programa y de la obra radiofónica de Cebrián en:

miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2008



Power forward/Center

Height 7 ft 0 in (2.13 m)

Weight 260 lb (118 kg)

League NBA

Team Los Angeles Lakers

Jersey #16

Pau Gasol nació en
San Baudilio de Llobregat, Barcelona, en 1980. Influído por su padre, ATS, y su madre, médico, empezó la carrera de medicina, pero lo dejó después de unos meses porque no era capaz de combinar los estudios con el baloncesto. Acabar medicina ha sido su sueño y espera conseguirlo algún día.

Gasol comenzó a jugar a baloncesto en su colegio, y con 16 años le fichó el FC Barcelona, con el que ganó el Campeonato Europeo Junior en 1998. En 2001 le nombraron MVP (Most Valuable Player) de la Copa del Rey tras llevar a su equipo a la victoria. Gasol ha estado jugando con los Memphis Grizzlies desde 2001 hasta 2008, cuando le han fichado Los Angeles Lakers.

Pau Gasol was born in San Baudilio de Llobregat, Spain, in 1980. Influenced by his father, a registered nurse, and his mother, a doctor, Gasol started Medicine but dropped out after few months because he was not able to combine his studies with basketball. It has always been his dream to finish the degree and hopes to do it some day.

Gasol began playing basketball with his school and when he was 16 he signed with Barcelona's junior team, winning the European Junior Championship in 1998. In 2001 he was named MVP (Most Valuable Player) of the Spanish National Cup after leading his team to victory. He has been playing with the Memphis Grizzlies from 2001 until 2008 , when he has been traded to the Los Angeles Lakers.

Read this doc on Scribd: Vocabulario de Baloncesto